The European Single Digital Market, eGovernment and what Enterprise Architects can expect (part 1/3)
- A European Green Deal – Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent
- An economy that works for people – Working for social fairness and prosperity
- Promoting our European way of life – Building a Union of equality in which we all have the same access to opportunities.
- A stronger Europe in the world – Europe to strive for more by strengthening our unique brand of responsible global leadership
- A new push for European democracy – Nurturing, protecting and strengthening our democracy On Sunday, 1 December 2019 the new EU Commission under the lead of Ursula von der Leyen took office. The new commission came up with six priorities for the years 2019-2024, which impact the existing strategy for the Single Digital Market.
- A Europe fit for the digital age – Empowering people with a new generation of technologies
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A Europe fit for the digital age
“I believe Europe can successfully manage the transformation into the digital age, if we build on our strengths and values.”
Ursula von der Leyen, 16.7.2019
The EU Commission wants to empower people with a new generation of technologies. Digital technologies are connecting the world in unforeseen ways, at unprecedented speed. Europe already sets the standards in telecoms and data protection, for instance. However, it falls behind in other areas of the digital economy. Investments in blockchain, high-performance computing, quantum computing, algorithms and new tools for secure data sharing and usage are the starting point on the path to innovation. Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can help develop smart solutions for many societal challenges, from health to farming, from security to manufacturing.
Bringing down barriers to learning and improving access to quality education is key to paving the way for a new European Education Area. The new EU Commission has defined the following policy areas to further implementing the European Digital Single Market.
Data protection
Reforming data protection to give people control over their data and help businesses comply. Ensuring that non-EU countries protect data of EU citizens. This includes for example the definition, application and enforcement of the GDPR.
Better access to online goods for consumers and businesses
Helping to make the EU’s digital world a seamless and level marketplace to buy and sell. The European Commission breaks down online barriers so that people may enjoy full access to all goods and services offered online by businesses in the EU. Ending unjustified cross-border barriers, facilitating cheaper cross-border parcel deliveries, protection of online customer rights and promoting cross border access to online content are cornerstones of the Digital Single Market Strategy.
The right environment for digital networks and services
Designing rules that match the pace of technology development, such as the rollout of next-generation 5G mobile connections or the Action Plan on Financial Technology. The Digital Single Market aims to create the right conditions for digital networks and services to flourish. High-speed, secure and trustworthy infrastructures and services will be supported by the right regulatory conditions. Innovative digital services require the right environment to thrive. The Commission is creating the conditions for advanced infrastructures, proper regulatory conditions for investment in digital networks, and a level playing field between market players.
Economy and Society
Ensuring that citizens and businesses can take full advantage of the opportunities digitalisation can offer. The Digital Single Market Strategy will maximise the growth potential of the European Digital Economy and of its society, so that every European can enjoy its full benefit. The economy and society of Europe need to make the most of digital. 47% of the EU population is not properly digitally skilled, yet in the near future, 90% of jobs will require some level of digital skills.
These policy areas extend the existing strategy for creating one Digital Single Market.
Digital Single Market

The Digital Single Market strategy aims to open digital opportunities for people and businesses and enhance Europe’s position as a world leader in the digital economy. Digitising European Industry aims at ensuring that businesses, SMEs and non-tech industries can benefit from digital innovations to create a higher value chain. This strategy links national and regional initiatives and boosts investment. The European data economy uses the potential of digital data to benefit the economy and society to its best. It addresses barriers that impede the free flow of data to achieve a European single market. The European Commission’s improves access and connectivity for citizens by ending roaming charges, ensuring open internet and telecoms regulations. It aims to boost productivity for businesses by strengthening broadband and wireless connectivity across Europe.
The European Commission drives European Research, Technology & Innovation initiatives that enable future technologies, software, services and networks. 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing are drivers for a Next Generation Internet delivery more to people and the economy. The Digital Single Market strategy endorses open science and open access to scientific results. The objective is to provide European science, industry and public authorities with excellent digital infrastructure – supercomputing and data storage. The Commission’s approach on culture and media wants to promote a coherent approach on media policies, covering legislation on audio visual media services and preserving cultural heritage.
One central aspect of the European Single Digital Market is to create a digital society. The European Commission aims for an inclusive digital society which benefits from the digital single market. Building smarter cities, improving access to e-government, e-health services and digital skills will enable a truly digital European society.
The digital society in Europe is being developed by seizing all the benefits that the Digital Single Market strategy provides. The European Commission is taking concrete actions for the development of cross-border digital public services and ensures the use of digital tools and systems to provide better a modern eGovernment to citizens and businesses.