TOGAF® and ArchiMate® are registered trademarks of The Open Group.
Bootcamp TOGAF Training and ArchiMate Training package deal.
Combination discount of 15% upto € 799,-
More than 2500+ IT architects found that The Unit Company is the perfect partner for obtaining the TOGAF® Standard and ArchiMate® Standard certification.

Over 10+ years as accredited training course provider
Average rating of 9.1 out of 10
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TOGAF® and ArchiMate® training enrollment
The 4 benefits of the TOGAF® Training & the ArchiMate® Training Course
Obtain your TOGAF® and ArchiMate® certification in no time!
In the TOGAF® training you will learn about Enterprise Architecture and all aspects of the TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition. The training consists of a theoretical background and practical exercises. You will be guided by experienced trainers and you will work together with other students during the training. After four days of training you will have gained sufficient knowledge to apply the TOGAF® standard in your daily work and to pass the exams.
In the ArchiMate® training you become familiar with the modelling language and acquire sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge to apply the ArchiMate® standard version 3.2 within your organization. After the training you can use your knowledge to support and improve the architecture process and communication with stakeholders in your organization.
This training includes 4 exams with passing protection. The exams are in English. If English is not your native language, you will be given extra time to take the exam. After passing your exams, you will be registered in the Certified Register of The Open Group for both the TOGAF® and ArchiMate® Standards.
After the training you will take the exams at our training location. Would you rather take the exams at a different time? In that case it is possible to receive exam vouchers for a Pearson VUE exam location near you.
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