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TOGAF Training Foundation and TOGAF Training Practitioner certifications
Accredited Incompany TOGAF® Training Course
The TOGAF® Training Foundation and TOGAF® Training Practitioner from The Unit Company are accredited by The Open Group
Incompany training alligned to your needs!
The TOGAF® Standard is certainly the most widely used Enterprise Architecture framework in the world. Every organization is undergoing change. From strategic to daily changes, from long-term to rapid changes.
In order to support this change, Enterprise Architecture addresses both the business and IT aspects . The TOGAF® framework provides a common view on the matter, as a result it makes the approach unambiguous.
In this TOGAF® training, the participants become familiar with Enterprise architecture. They will gain sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge to start applying the TOGAF® standard within your organization.
The participants are well prepared for the exams. Based on your choice we do the exams directly onsite or the candidates will receive exam vouchers.
We adapt to your needs! Training during day or evening, spread over multiple weaks or consecutive. Your specific needs are welcome! We love the challenge, so we adapt to your needs as much as possible. Experience the perfection of our high quality training courses.
Questions and Answers
Incompany training also at my location?
- Yes. We are privileged to physically train arround the world!
- The list of countries where we have trained physically includes: Bonaire, Germany, Netherlands, Oman, Brunei, United Kingdom, Belgium, Zwiterserland, Austria and surely some more.
- We love the opportunity to train for you and learning from different cultures!
- Just contact us, no obligations
TOGAF Training - Foundation based on 10th Edtion?
- Yes it is based on the 10th Edition of the TOGAF Standard.
- This TOGAF® Training – Foundation from The Unit Company is accredited by The Open Group
TOGAF Training - Practitioner based on 10th Edtion?
- Yes it is based on the 10th Edition of the TOGAF Standard.
- This TOGAF® Training – Practitoner from The Unit Company is accredited by The Open Group
Contact for Incompany inquiry is easily established – we love customers.
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